Safety Tip #1: Know Fire Safety 

It’s a little too easy for things to catch fire in a commercial kitchen. To avoid additional risks, properly train your staff and equip your kitchen for this possibility. In addition to regular fire safety inspections, here are simple ways to stay safe. 

Train Employees on Fire Safety 

For starters, everyone should know where to locate the fire extinguisher. Additionally, every employee should know what to do during a grease fire, as these are common in commercial kitchens. 

The steps to extinguish a grease fire and what to use differ from procedures that put out a standard fire.  

Don’t Leave Towels Near Hot Surfaces 

This tip may seem obvious, but it’s easy for people to forget about. You don’t want towels near open flames on the stovetop, as that is a recipe for disaster.  

It is also important to keep towels away from any hot surfaces that may cause them to burn. Even small, unintentional fires can cause smoke in the kitchen, which is unsuitable for the staff or guests to breathe and may affect the food.  

Safety Tip #2: Prevent Slip Hazards 

Slips and falls are the most common injury for food service workers in and out of the kitchen. In a restaurant, it is not unlikely for the floor to have oil, food debris, and cleaning products on it. That’s a lot to slip on.  

Slips and falls can lead to bruises, sprains, broken bones, concussions, and other types of injuries that we want to protect our employees from. 

Provide Non-Slip Mats   

Place non-slip mats along the line, prep area, and dish pit. Clean these mats regularly for both safety and sanitation purposes.  

Another great incentive to encourage employee safety is reimbursing the cooks for non-slip kitchen shoes.  

Prevent Oil Spills  

Cooking oil is necessary for kitchens, but it is slippery and difficult to clean up — especially when spilled. Automated transfer systems for used cooking oil can significantly reduce how often the oil needs to be out in the open.  

Used cooking oil containers reduce the likelihood of spills, burns, and falls from the hot oil. They save time and are much more efficient for the kitchen staff.  

Safety Tip #3: Have A Well-Stocked First Aid Kit 

Despite all the precautions taken, accidents will happen from time to time, but we can do our best to lessen their severity to that of a first aid kit.  

That first aid kit must be well-stocked and ready to go. There should be an adequate supply of bandages, finger covers, antiseptic wipes, burn gel, a mouth guard for CPR, and first aid available for those accidents.  

Safety Tip #4: Prioritize Ventilation  

Ventilation is probably not the first thing that comes to mind when you think about kitchen safety, but it is more important than people may realize. A commercial hood cleans the air of carcinogens and smoke that people would otherwise inhale.  

It is essential to clean the kitchen hood regularly to maintain proper function. Regular maintenance includes a deep cleaning where you disassemble, thoroughly scrub, clean, dry, and put everything back together.  

Bonus Tip: Use Darling Canada for UCO Solutions 

Darling Ingredients Canada offers used cooking oil (UCO) systems to prevent grease spills and burns in your kitchen. Our ecosystems are convenient and easy to use, so there is no pressure to neglect other necessary safety or cleaning measures.  

Having a Darling Canada UCO system eliminates the need for employees to lug a bucket of hot liquids and oil across the kitchen, increasing the likelihood of spills, burns, and falls. Our containers are theft-proof, which protects your employees while ensuring your grease is not stolen.  

Call us today at 1-800-263-0302 for a safer, more efficient, and more convenient way to dispose of your used cooking oil

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