Fryer Oil 101​ 

The right cooking oil is the secret ingredient for perfectly fried food. It can mean the difference between a regular customer and a one-time visitor. When choosing the right oil, you certainly want good taste, texture, and appearance, but there are other factors to consider. 

Fryer Oil Affordability​

Since deep-frying requires large amounts of product, affordability should be a crucial factor in your choice of oil. High-end and rare oils might bring health advantages but can generate unnecessary expenses.​ 

At the same time, nobody wants to compromise the dish quality by filling their commercial deep fryers with cheap, poor-tasting products. 

Oil Smoke Point​ 

Another factor to consider is how hot the oil can get before burning. If food is deep fried in oil with too low of a smoke point, stinky fumes could fill the air. These unsavory smells could cause damage to your kitchen or ruin your food. 

Frying oil should have a smoke point of around 400°F. Any oil with smoke points less than 350°F will adversely affect frying.

Neutrality and Flavor Profile 

While it can be less crucial than the previous two factors, the “neutrality” of an oil’s flavor profile is another quality to consider. An oil with a distinctive flavor will, for better or for worse, permeate the fried food with that taste.  

Flavor can be advantageous if the frying oil flavor improves the final dish’s palatability. If it doesn’t complement the plate, it’s a waste of money and can ruin the recipe. Remember, the more neutral the frying oil, the better.  

Vegetable Oil: Overall Best Oil For Frying 

The term “vegetable oil” isn’t particularly specific, and for a good reason. This oil’s ingredients can vary but typically combine emulsified oils to create a low-cost blend.  

The mixture uses soybean oil as its main ingredient, adding other plant-based oils. Vegetable oil works for most deep-frying needs as it offers a smoke point of 400°F. It also provides an affordable price and neutral flavor, making it a strong candidate for various deep-frying needs. 

Corn Oil: Cheapest Oil for High Heat 

Another of the most commonly used oils is corn oil. Corn oil vies with peanut oil when considering the best oil tolerant to high heat. Both corn and peanut oil share similar smoke points around 450°F.  

While slight, corn oil does have a corn flavor. While it works beautifully for foods like popcorn or fries, it’s not the top choice for every recipe. However, affordability is where corn oil gets the upper hand. It costs even less than its peanut-based competitor as a deep-frying oil choice. 

Canola Oil: Cheapest Overall 

Canola oil beats peanut and corn oil in affordability, and its prevalent use in commercial deep fryers speaks to its reliability. Though it has a slightly lower smoke point than its two primary competitors, 400°F is still high enough not to burn in most deep-frying circumstances.​ 

Canola oil’s neutral flavor guarantees it won’t add new flavors to fried foods. Finally, it is cheaper than both peanut oil and corn oil, making it perhaps the most “bang-for-your-buck” option. 

Peanut Oil: Most Versatile  

Peanut oil has been a top choice in commercial kitchens for years. It has all the ideal traits of affordability, high smoke point, and neutral flavor. Peanut oil’s cost rivals vegetable oil, which makes it an affordable option for restaurants.  

The oil’s high smoke point of 450°F means it won’t burn in even the most robust commercial deep fryers. The neutral flavor also makes it a good option for kitchens that prepare many different fried dishes. Compared to other options, peanut oil stays fresher in your fryer for longer. 

Unfortunately, the growing prevalence of peanut allergies is a severe drawback. Using peanut oil in your commercial deep fryer would inadvertently exclude some patrons from enjoying their fare due to the possibility of cross-contamination. 

Before inviting peanut oil into your industry, consider your customer’s demographics and eating preferences. Your choice of oil should taste great, keep costs low, and still serve customer needs. 

Can You Fry Foods With Olive Oil?

One of the most popular oils for everyday home cooking is olive oil, which also has a reputation as being one of the healthiest oils available. While olive oil is perfect for flavoring sauces, creating salad dressings, and sauteing foods at low temperatures, it sadly falls short of the mark as an ideal choice for frying oil.  

A smoke point below 375°F means olive oil tends to burn when deep-fried. Using it in a commercial deep fryer can quickly lead to grease fires. At best, it would result in a greasy mess, but at worst, it could cause damage and injury.   

Additionally, olive oil’s distinct flavor seeps into the food cooked in it. In some cases, this is desirable. However, it narrows the versatility of olive oil’s use. Olive oil is the least cost-efficient oil. While it has earned its place as a staple in home kitchens, olive oil sadly lacks the essential factors required for frying in restaurant kitchens.  

What Can I Do With Used Cooking Oil?

Deep-frying food requires a lot of daily oil, especially if you operate with more than one commercial deep fryer in your restaurant. The ability to dispose of used oil is equally important as having the best deep-frying oil.  

Without proper collection and recycling processes, these substances can fill your kitchen with foul odors and pose risks to your plumbing. Hassling with leftover oils and grease might seem unnecessary when the goal is to make delicious food. However, a kitchen that understands proper frying oil disposal can significantly impact the environment. 

How To Dispose of Frying Oil With Darling Ingredients Canada 

Are you looking for a way to make money back on a product that would otherwise end up in the trash? Our company is committed to providing hassle-free services for your used cooking oil. We offer many options for pickup services, grease trap cleaning, and more.  

Darling Ingredients Canada plays a crucial role in the agri-food industry by collecting and repurposing natural materials. We convert discarded materials into unique and valuable ingredients that address market demands, including renewable diesel.  

Instead of dealing with the headache of used cooking oil, contribute to a circular economy by letting us find the perfect solution for your needs. Contact us today!

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